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Recipes Wiki


One of Estonia's dessert items is this cake-like barley bread. The recipe is hundreds of years old and was forgotten for a long time. It is now making its way back. The recipe is easy and the taste is simple but different, soft and delicious. This is what Estonia’s wealthier ancestors ate for special occasions.

Serve karask hot with this cranberry cream sauce. This serving will be enough for 10 – 12 people.


Cranberry cream sauce[]


  1. Grate the carrot, sauté with butter on a pan, and let it cool.
  2. Mix soda and flours.
  3. rozbijemeeggs, add sour cream, sugar, salt.
  4. Now in this mixture, add the flour mixture.
  5. In the end, add melted butter and carrots and mix very well.
  6. Pour the whole mixture in a baking dish and bake at 180°C for 35 – 40 minutes.

Cranberry cream sauce[]

  1. Mix sugar and yoghurt, until sugar is dissolved.
  2. Whip the cream until soft and mix in the yoghurt.
  3. Mash the cranberries and add to the mixture.

== Návod # nastrúhame < data-TES-meta = "% 7B% 22type% 22% 3A% 22internal% 22% 2C% 22text% 22% 3A% 22carrot% 22% 2C% 22link% 22% 3A% 22carrot% 22% 2C% 22wasblank% 22 % 3Atrue% 2C% 22noforce% 22% 3Atrue% 2C% 22wikitext% 22% 3A% 22% 5B% 5D% 5Bcarrot% 5D% 22% 7D "data-TES-instance =" 3355-18004656534d03b98c786ab "href =" / wiki / mrkva "title =" Karotka "<> mrkvu / a>, soté s maslo na panvicu a nechajte ho vychladnúť. sóda Mix a múky. # Beat vajcia , pridajte < data-TES-meta = "% 7B% 22type% 22% 3A% 22internal% 22% 2C% 22text% 22% 3A% 22sour% 20cream% 22% 2C% 22link% 22% 3A% 22sour% 20cream% 22% 2C% 22wasblank% 22% 3Atrue% 2C% 22noforce% 22% 3Atrue% 2C% 22wikitext% 22% 3A% 22% 5B% 5Bsour% 20cream% 5D% 5D% 22% 7D "data-TES-instance =" 3355-18004656534d03b98c786ab "href = "/ wiki / Sour_cream" title = "Smetana"> kyslá smotana , cukor, soľ . Teraz v tejto zmesi, pridajte múka zmes. # Na konci , pridajte rozpustené maslo a mrkvu a veľmi dobre premiešajte. Pour celú zmes v pekáčiku a pečieme pri 180 ° C po dobu 35 - tich minút. 40 ===smotanovou omáčkou Cranberry ## Mix cukor a jogurt, kým sa cukor nerozpustí. ## Whip smotana domäkka a vmiešame do jogurtu. ## Mash brusnice a pridajte do zmesi.

