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About Hoki[]

Hoki, one of the most commercialized fish species from New Zealand, is a part of Macruronus family and it is scientifically known as Macruronus Novaezealandiae. The main places were you can catch hoki are the West Coast of South Island, in Cook Strait or in Chatham Rise. Hoki fishes are also known as blue hake, blue grenadier and whiptail. Hoki can be found in middle deep waters usually at the depth of about three hundred to six hundred meters. Hoki’s size is between sixty and one hundred centimeters. Hoki fish has few bones and it usually has a white color. Due to the fact that hoki has few bones, the fish is used in preparing numerous dishes. Hoki’s fleshy tissue is delicate and moist. In Australia there are special places arranged for rearing hoki. Hoki fish survive by feeding themselves with plants found in the middle depth waters. Due to the fact that most hoki fishes are raised in fisheries, the water in which they live is very clean and provides them a healthy environment unlike other fish species which live in polluted environments.

Hoki Recipes[]
