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Recipes Wiki

The Ecuadorian salads range from the simple ones with fresh greens and vegetables to the complicated salads with meat and cooked vegetables. The fresh broad bean salad or ensalada de herbas contains young shelled broad beans, butter, white vinegar or lemon juice and fresh ground pepper. A mix salad, like the ensalada mixta is prepared with chopped lettuce, green beans, hardboiled eggs, cubed potatoes and vinaigrette dressing. A vegetable salad (ensalada de verdures) contains green peas, green beans, diced potatoes, beets, corn, celery, both raw and cooked zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, asparagus, raw tomatoes, avocados and artichoke hearts. This one is a heavy and complicated salad, but very tasty. The corn is used in many such meals and the Ecuadorian corn salad is one favorite dish. This is made of canned corn, chopped chilies, radishes or peppers, mustard, mayo, lemon and onions. This salad is very spicy, but, at the same time, very refreshing.

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